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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2019

BLOG #3 - My Best Friend

My best friend is Benjamin Vargas. He’s an architecture student just like me, and we met back in 2017 when we started this career, we had every class together that first semester. We’ve been friends ever since, and we’ve taken every Taller together because we work very well together and we have a great time doing so. I consider him my friend because he’s always been there for me through the ups and downs these 3 years have had, he’s always had the right words for me when I’ve needed a little push, and I always try to do the same for him. The best memory I have with him would be in the summer of this year when he invited me to visit him in his hometown: Pitrufquén. Pitrufquén is a little city 30 km south of Temuco where his family has always lived. He invited me to his grandparents’ house, just outside the city, which his grandfather built with his own hands. We had a great time going around the city to meet the places where he spent his teenage years (his school, his old house,